Life on the Other Side of the Mirror

It’s an unpopular opinion to think that being called ‘skinny’ is actually offensive. Obviously it’s seen as desirable, I am in no way complaining about my natural slim build. I am instead complaining about the constant negative and snide comments associated when people utter the word ‘skinny’. It is rarely used as a compliment. It is used to undermine people in a form of jealousy making out that slim people are ill when in most cases, they are not. Ever since I was a little girl I have always had a small build, thus meaning I have had to deal with the constant flow of comments about whether I actually eat. This is beyond rude in my eyes, and of course I eat. A lot actually, although I just don’t seem to put on weight. I know this is exactly the point where people will be going “oh poor little skinny girl, can’t put on any weight” but hear me out. My point is that people wouldn’t dare to tell someone they are fat because it’s a horrible comment that can really bring someone down. Yet no-one ever thinks this when they call someone skinny? 

I want to start highlighting to people how affecting a girl’s body image can not just stem from telling them they need to be skinnier, it can also come from telling them they are too skinny. From my own personal experience I have always had body image struggles due to the fact I always wanted to be bigger. This is because I was embarrassed of being able to see my ribs and how long and skinny my legs were. I didn't feel any of this was attractive, I felt the complete opposite. I felt repulsive. One of the worst things I struggled with was my lack of breasts, making me feel a lot less womanly. This led to almost feeling like I looked like a little boy rather than a mature woman when being in a bikini. A girl shouldn't be made to feel like this but from the constant media press of trying to distract women from being too skinny it led to something else. There are constantly things said about how men want real women with curves, not unrealistic skinny women. Well maybe it’s time for people to wake up. I’m a skinny woman and I’m very much real. So how does the constant conversation about how men only want curvy women make someone like me feel? Absolutely rubbish. 

This subject seems rarely approached due it’s nature. I am in no way saying all women should be slim. I am trying to make the point that we should celebrate all body shapes. Surely this is the only way to help promote that women should be happy in whatever body they have. We shouldn't be promoting a healthy body image through saying slim is wrong. Within the fashion industry models are constantly slated for not eating which is why they are seen as ‘unnaturally slim’. But this is simply not the case, because if they are like myself then they were born with this particular body shape. I have never tried to stay skinny, I have never stopped myself eating or ever been on a diet of any kind. I have no need to be, I don't try to stay this size. I simply am. Therefore I would actually like to be able to wear a tight fitting flattering dress that I feel comfortable in without the constant remarks about my health. I’m nearly 19 years old and I still feel uncomfortable in my skin at times due to the way our society is so against having a slim frame. I have tried my best to overcome my issues with my long slim legs and now I choose to embrace them because this is the only body I’m going to get. But its a difficult situation because at one moment you are striving to be more confident and suddenly this is knocked again by another unnecessary remark. 

I think this issue is so hard to deal with. People obviously see ‘skinny’ as a good thing and if you complain about it at all, you are looked on as being silly. But how can it be a good thing when you are almost made to feel bad because you look like this. Or by the fact that this must obviously mean you are unhealthy. I think the only real way to move forward in our society is not to rule out the idea of being ‘skinny’. Stores now stock up to size 22 for those bigger shaped women yet it is rare for a store to go smaller than a six 6. How is this fair? It is due to the fact that being smaller than this is meant to be wrong. Well sometimes I need a smaller size and I can struggle to get clothes to fit well due to this. I think our society needs a big attitude shake up when it comes to how they view smaller women. It is a state of mind that is only getting worse which in the future is going to lead to damaging young girls further. 

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