Nautical or Nice?

Deciding what to wear is always made harder when it's humid but not sunny, its the challenge I'm facing everyday at the moment. So I decided to resort back to the darker colours in my wardrobe as the gloom was making me go running back to my winter clothes. A colour combination I have always loved is navy and white it gives the perfect nautical look. I paired this with a navy loose tailored jacket to get a casual look that linked to my love of nautical colours in this weather. While to add a bit of a unique touch I wore my layered topshop dress underneath which is a tight fitting dress with a net skater skirt overlaid. I got this last season and adored it as soon as I saw it in store as it gives that edge to everyday street style, while in black it can be easily worn. This is the LBD I will always adore, (of course every girl should have at least one of these.)

I have been pretty busy lately with work so I have found myself very tired at the moment, making it hard for me to fit in time for blogging and drawing. But don't worry I won't be neglecting my blog I will just need to manage my time precisely. Since I left my last retail job when I went off to uni I have missed working a lot, I'm not at my local surf shop and I love being back in retail again. It's an incredible store with such high standards and I'm loving being a part of this.

Managed to squeeze time to draw my nautical outfit for you, hope you enjoy. Let me know how your enjoying your summer, and what outfits your loving at the moment! Rachael x

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